Reference : AFDC204/2

Non-woven wallpaper in light grey, white and gold with monkeys playing in a starry sky with thick and textured clouds. The moon and the sun have also made an appointment. Available in 4 colours. 


The poetic and dreamlike wallpaper Stars and Monkeys is part of the Magic Garden collection designed by Shauna Dennison for Les Dominotiers. Here in soft tones: light grey, white and gold, this wallpaper represents mischievous little monkeys playing with the stars in a thick cloudy sky where the moon and the sun have met. To create this wallpaper, Shauna Dennison was inspired by William Turner, particularly his work on texture, which can be found here in the clouds of Magic Garden.

Technical Specificities

PasteNon-woven wallpaper
Height repeat68,6
Hanging wallpaperPaste on the wall