When it comes to construction and renovation sectors, paint is an important aspect. We’re not talking about the color (which is more for aesthetic purposes) but right now, we want to talk about the different types of paint available.

The Right Type Of Paint

Indeed, there are various types of paint available on the market and each is apt for specific purposes. This is why it’s always so important to pick the right type of paint for your building. There are paints which should only be used outdoors while there are others that are more suitable to be used indoors. 

Moreover, there are paints that suit a very humid environment while others will be better for a dry atmosphere. 

With so many choices on the market, it becomes tricky to choose the most suitable paint for a given surface. Today, at Onestruct, the leading renovation contractor in Mauritius, let’s explore the different types of paints and where they can be used. Onestruct’s team of painters are professionals with over 10 years of experience in painting buildings. They’re very knowledgeable when it comes to painting. 

Let’s now look into the different types of paints for buildings. Paints are divided into 2 categories: water-based and oil-paints.

1. Water-Based Paints

Water-based paints are very popular because they’re usually eco-friendly, odorless (or have very little smell) and they dry quite fast. Different brands offer an extensive range of water-based paints that have specific properties.

2. Oil-Based Paints

Oil-based paints are usually used as a primer, undercoat or finish coat. Known for being very durable, oil-based paints have a strong odor, take more time to try  and are harder to clean. 

The Right Type Of Paint
The Right Type Of Paint

While oil-based paints were more popular in the past, nowadays, water-based paints are more popular and come in various options. They’re very durable and reliable. There are a variety of water-based paints available on the Mauritian market. Here are a few of them.

1. Emulsion Paint

Emulsion paints are a very popular choice because of their fast-drying and long-lasting properties. Moreover, they do not leave any odor. Acrylic Emulsion Paints are known to be resistant to cracks as well as sunlight. Plus they’re easy to clean. These paints are available in glossy, satin-like, sandy-like and matt finishes, and can be used both indoors and outdoors.

2. Water-Based Anti-Fungal Paint

Best advised for humid regions, water-based anti-fungal paints are extremely resistant to mold and fungus. It also prevents algae from growing on your walls.

3. Antibacterial Paint

Antibacterial paints provide extensive protection for your walls against the proliferation of bacteria and germs.

4. Water Repellent Paint

These types of water-based paints are used outdoors and can help in reducing water infiltration. This is very handy, especially in a country like ours, when we’re constantly subject to rain.

As you can see, there’s a lot to choose from but one of the latest trends in paint is: Texture Paint.

5. Texture Paint

Texture Paint is usually of a very thick consistency and coarse grain. You will find texture paints that give a very sandy finish, a shinier rock texture, concrete-like finish, glitter finish, etc. These can help add some dimensions and depth to your walls.

Various brands have developed their own lines of paints suitable for different surfaces and purposes. There is a lot to choose from and it’s always important to bear in mind factors such as location, climate, interior or exterior use, etc.

At Onestruct, we can give you the very best advice when it comes to painting. We have worked with various types of paints. Based on your renovation project, we can help you in making the right choice when it comes to choosing the right type of paints as well as color.