So far, we have talked about the different renovation services and we’ve been very informative about our services. We try our best to inform you about our company, our ethics and the importance and function of each service. However, over time, we forgot one important thing: the emotional side of renovating a home.

At Onestruct, a member of Literally A Work Shop Ltd., we’re professionals who understand the intricacies of renovating a house. Yet, when it comes to creating your ‘Home Sweet Home’, we know that it can be a very emotional journey and it’s not always easy to embark on it. Today, we’re taking a look at the emotional side of renovating a home. We’re sure that many of you will identify with some of these aspects. 

When it comes to renovating your home, it’s not just about adding square footage or updating the kitchen or the living room. It’s about creating a space that represents who you are and what you love. A place that you can feel proud to call your own, and that truly feels like home. 

More than just the aesthetics, there’s an emotional side that comes with a home renovation project and we often tend to overlook its importance. We want to acknowledge it as this is what makes a renovation project so exciting. 

As renovators, we enjoy the process of recreating your home and the satisfaction that we get when we see the joy of our clients when their dream home is finally ready is unmatchable. For us, it’s truly mission accomplished and this is why we encourage you to enjoy the emotional ride that comes along with renovating a house to make it your home.


1. A Fresh Start

For many, renovation is a way to press the reset button on your life. It’s a fresh start and begins with a new home that will reflect you. It’s a chance to take a step forward and embark on a new journey. By renovating and recreating new spaces, you have a chance to bid goodbye to negative memories of a previous home. It’s a fresh start and that feeling is so empowering!

2. A Sense Of Accomplishment

For many, there is something very special and satisfying when starting a renovation project and watching it materialize, especially when it’s a home. Indeed, we recognise that renovation can be a long and tiresome process filled with crazy challenges at times. Yet, the end result provides a sense of accomplishment. You made your dream home a reality!

3. That Personal Connection With Your Home

When you renovate an existing residential house to make it into your own home, you put pieces of your personality out there. It can be in the form of colors, space, and much more. You work with your renovation contractor and are present at every step. It makes you feel as the real architect of your home. Once your home is ready, you’ll feel that real and personal connection with it because you have been there, at every step. You will feel proud of yourself and what you have accomplished. We, at Onestruct, understand that feeling so well as we have been on such intense journeys with our clients. We cherish each experience and we have great pride in knowing that we are part of someone’s journey in creating his perfect home. 

Stay involved, embrace the process and appreciate the different aspects of your renovation. Remember that a home is an extension of yourself. So, jump on the ride and make the most out of this incredible journey!