Onestruct offers cold waterproofing solutions based on your budget. Whether you own an old building or you have built a new one, we always advise on opting for waterproofing as soon as possible.

Waterproofing is an essential step in order to protect your building from accumulated water which can cause serious damage to any structure. At Onestruct, we use the cold waterproofing technique which has been proven to be safe and quick. Cold waterproofing is very resistant to heat and chemicals, making it a reliable solution. 

Cold Warerproofing

Here are a few reasons to do waterproofing:

1. Protect Your Building From Water Damage

Over time, buildings can get damaged especially in Mauritius where we are subject to heavy rains, cyclones, humidity and more. Water can easily accumulate over the roof of your building and with wear and tear, your roof and walls can crack. Accumulated water will start to leak, damaging more than just the roof but your home too. Your walls, furniture, electrical wires and other appliances can be severely damaged. By investing in cold waterproofing, you can avoid these issues.

2. Protect Against High Temperatures

Cold waterproofing has a particularity as it reflects the heat and UV-rays. As a result, it can help in lowering the temperature of your building. This is a great benefit especially in a tropical island like Mauritius where we experience very high temperatures in summer which can be uncomfortable.

3. Save Money

As explained above, water can be a serious hazard. Indeed, some people may choose to overlook waterproofing as a necessity when they look into the costs. However, in the long run, prevention is better than cure. The cost of repairing your cracked walls and roof along with the costs of replacing damaged electrical wires and appliances will be exorbitant. Hence, waterproofing is a preventive solution.

4. Protect The Value Of Your Property

When you invest in cold waterproofing, you are protecting your property from serious damages which could lower the value of your building.

5. Protect Your Health

Moisture and humidity can attract mold and bacteria inside your home through cracks. As a result, this can contaminate the air that you and your family breathes in the long run leading to health issues such as asthma. Since waterproofing prevents cracks on the roof and walls, you are in fact protecting your family against these risks.

Cold Waterproofing

Are you thinking of renovating your home or office? Gypsum Boards might be the ideal option. Learn more about gypsum boards HERE.