Corporate Identity refers to how a business is presented to the public and how the different stakeholders (both internal and external) perceive the business. Corporate Identity represents how the company will look, behave and communicate with its audience. Creating a Corporate Identity requires a lot of planning, finance, time and must involve the whole organization.

There are 3 main elements when we talk about Corporate Identity. These are:

1. Corporate Communication
2. Corporate Design
3. Corporate Behavior

Corporate Communication

When we talk about corporate communication, we’re referring to how the company communicates and passes information both internally and externally. The aim is to have a uniform way of communicating.

Internal communication includes the different policies, procedures, communication within the team, internal emails and newsletters, etc. It’s mostly how management and employees communicate with each other.

External communication includes communicating to the public in general. This will consist of advertising, events, sponsorships, public relations, news as well as communications to investors.

Corporate Design

Here, we’re looking into the visual aspects. We take into consideration logos, colors, fonts, website, interior design, packaging, uniforms, dress code, office interiors, etc. Corporate Design includes visual identity as well. Everything has to be cohesive.

Corporate Behavior

Corporate Behavior is about how the company acts in different situations affected by external factors. That takes into account the values of the company, the objectives and philosophy, ethical code of conduct, the corporate social responsibility, etc.
It’s always important to remember that when we talk about corporate identity, we’re looking at the company globally and not at the product or services sold by the company.

corporate identity

The Importance Of Corporate Identity

Now that we have looked into the different aspects of corporate identity, let’s see why it is so important.

1. Brand Awareness

Indeed, the corporate identity helps in building brand awareness as we communicate our company’s culture, philosophy and values to both internal and external stakeholders.

2. Differentiation

A corporate identity helps in differentiating a company from other companies that are present within the same industry.

3. Employee Engagement & Better Productivity

Corporate Identity creates engagement on the part of employees who feel more involved. Furthermore, with very clear and established patterns of communication, everything is well-structured and organized. Employees feel a sense of belonging to the organization that translates to better productivity and efficiency.

4. Customer Loyalty

By adhering to the code of conduct, values and philosophy of the organization and remaining consistent, the company promotes itself in a positive light to external stakeholders. It respects the values and that can be seen in its CSR, on the media and so on. Customers are more likely to develop a sense of loyalty to such businesses that are cohesive and consistent.

Pro.Duce helps you in understanding your corporate identity and can contribute to building your corporate design. From the logo design to packing and uniforms, we’re here to help you in developing a positive corporate identity that reflects your business and resonates with your different stakeholders.