Oh no! What a horrible sight! Your swimming pool’s water has turned green and you need to fix it ASAP. This is such a nightmare and it’s unsafe!

One of the main reasons for a pool turning green is a lack of proper professional cleaning and maintenance. Cleaning and maintaining a swimming pool is more than just picking little debris here and there or adding chemicals as you deem fit. As a result, you can end up with algae and other germs, microbes and debris building up in your swimming pool leading to contamination. 

How To Fix It?

That’s why you need a professional swimming pool cleaning and maintenance service like SunBoy. We ensure that your swimming pool is regularly maintained, cleaned and serviced. As we mentioned, picking up little debris floating on the surface with a net is only a part of keeping your swimming pool clean. But what about those debris that have sunk at the bottom of your swimming pool? 

1. Vacuuming The Debris

SunBoy has the appropriate expertise and equipment on hand to clean the bottom of your swimming pool. By vacuuming the bottom of your swimming pool, SunBoy ensures that they do not build up and form algae which turns your swimming pool green over time.

2. Cleaning Your Filters

Another issue may be that your filters haven’t been cleaned properly in a long time. Due to this, there are debris that have accumulated over time and have eventually contaminated your swimming pool’s water. SunBoy always examines your filters and cleans them up at each visit.

3. Backwashing

Did you know that your sand pump and filters need to be back washed? Backwashing is a key step to ensuring that your swimming pool and its pumps and filters are thoroughly cleaned by reversing the flow of water. The debris that clog your filters is thus pumped out of the pool. Backwashing helps to maintain the lifespan of your sand pump. However, backwashing can at times pull algae back into a swimming pool. This is why it is best advised to let professionals like SunBoy take care of the cleaning and maintenance of your swimming pool.

4. Chemicals

Many pool owners believe that chlorine and other pool chemicals are harmful to the skin and while it is true, it doesn’t mean that you should use the bare minimum. Chlorine and other chemicals help to control the level of bacteria and avoid the build-up of bacteria in your swimming pool. This ensures that your swimming pool’s water is never contaminated and won’t turn green. 

However, you can’t add any amount of chemicals as you deem fit as it can be harmful and dangerous. Expertise is needed and the water needs to be tested to ensure that it is well-balanced and the ph-levels have to be monitored at each cleaning session. Leave it to SunBoy to handle the chemicals. Along with testing the water, SunBoy bears in mind the fact that children may be using the swimming pool (they are more sensitive to chemicals compared to adults) and hence that will also be a key factor to ensure that your swimming pool’s water is safe for everyone. 

5. Pool Shocking

The above measures are mostly preventive measures that help in keeping your pool safe and clean. However, if your swimming pool’s water has already turned green, it urgently requires a pool shock treatment. You should also note that it is important, from time to time, to carry out a pool shock treatment to ensure that the water is crystal-clear and free from bacteria, germs, algae and other harmful substances.  

After an inspection of your swimming pool, SunBoy will shock your swimming pool. This is done by adding a high dosage of chlorine and other chemicals to your swimming pool. This will break down the toxins, algae and other harmful substances present in the pool. Eventually, these substances will clear out and the swimming pool’s water will turn crystal clear. For a specific amount of time, your swimming pool won’t be safe for use. SunBoy will let you know when it is safe to use your swimming pool again without any risks.  

It should be noted that in extreme circumstances, several pool shocks have to be done depending on the state of your contaminated pool. SunBoy will be able to advise upon this after an in-depth inspection of your swimming pool.

A professional cleaning and maintenance pool servicing done regularly by SunBoy will ensure that your swimming pool remains crystal clear and won’t turn green. 

Why has it turned green?
Pool Cleaning

Do you need an urgent pool shock treatment? Contact SunBoy now on 268 1880/5251 0811.